1v. chop a piece of bark from a tree so as to reveal the white wood to serve as a marker.
1788  (1905)  There must be due care to . . . blaze healthy trees. . . .
1793  (1916)  [LITTLEHALE Journal] I observed many trees blazed and various figures of Indians . . . and animals drawn upon them, descriptive of the tribes, nations and numbers that had passed.
1923  They even marked trails by blazing trees as they went. . . .
2v. mark or identify (a trail, property line, etc.) by cutting a series of blazes in trees.
1872  It took us two or three days to complete this line . . . two of us cutting out a line and blazing the line, the others building and baiting the traps.
1952  Joseph walked back to the woodlot that day and blazed a road for the fall chopping. . . .
1965  The trail . . . cleared, blazed, bridged and fence-stiled in a six-month crash program by early 1964.